All about Siomai

Siomai is a Chinese dumpling made with garlic and mutton buds, crab and pumpkin. Chinese people make Siomai with different tastes and distribute it for religious ceremonies and celebrations. It was originally meat and vegetable wrapped in thin sheets that people would sell to passers-by on the streets.
Siomai History
This meal is served as breakfast for energy. But in other areas, this is eaten for lunch and dinner. Roasting and steaming are two ways in which they make this dish. The use of vinegar in this dish increases appetite. This dish is available in Indonesia with steamed vegetables and spicy peanut sauce in restaurants.
In the Philippines, Siomai is made with pork, beef, shrimp, garlic, peas and carrots. They use soy sauce to serve this dish. Using a lot of pepper in a sauce is also a feature of this method of making.
Epersian Food